Midjourney Dev Team need your help to rate ideas for what Midjourney should prioritize over the next 6 months (these ideas have been submitted by the community as well as team members over the past ~45 days).
How’s it work?
- Our “resource allocation” system will give you 25 points to allocate across 5 random ideas.
- Allocate the points as you think we should prioritize the features with limited resources.
- By looking at the point allocations of thousands of people we get an absolute “value” for each idea
- We also calculate controversy rating for each idea (fun!)
- You can monitor all these numbers (like us) as ratings come in via the leaderboard on the site.
Start rating here: https://www.midjourney.com/ideas
Thanks so much for your help! This tool is continues our work of finding new methods of leveraging the community’s intelligence to figure out the biggest priorities for Midjourney. We hope these tools will even become available to other projects in the future ?(whether it’s a grant program or fellow AI labs).
We’re excited to see what features you pick ❤️
Read more in our Blog.